Table.remove(, table.index_of(aros.Defences. Brief summary of issue / Description of requested feature: After playing in the mud Avalon (, 7777) using the newest development build colors get somehow propagated to the text. If spamCheck("queuenone")and = true and = true and = false and table.index_of(, "paralysis") = nil then TempTimer(.5, tempRegexTrigger("^H", table.remove(aros.Spam, table.index_of(aros.Spam, spams)), 1)) GMCP data is stored in a table called gmcp and updates every prompt (for the most part). Check it, close Mudlet, open Mudlet, and log in. If table.index_of(aros.Spam, spams) = nil then Theres a checkbox down under GMCP which reads Enable GMCP. If table.index_of(aros.Spam, spam) = nil then Essentially, this script is firing at the same time, independently, when multiple prompts are given. written in a bit for anti spam, but I've noticed that when my prompt fires multiple commands still get sent. I've got a queueing script that fires on my prompt. Additionally, look around on this UI layout and decide where you'd want your own info to be laid aout and play around as you construct your own UI.
#Mudlet fgcolor install#
If you install the UI package from this and then comb through to study how the healthbars use coloring, you can repurpose it based on a trigger. I don't know how good you are at learning off of examples but after playing around with the following pubilc scripts in Mudlet forums I was able to replicate something similar to what you wanted. function colorLine (section, fgcolor, bgcolor) fgcolor fgcolor or 'white' bgcolor bgcolor or 'black' resetFormat () selectString (section,1) fg (fgcolor) bg (bgcolor) resetFormat () end You can leave out the bgcolor part if you want it to default to the regular screen background.

Hey, so there are a few ways to tackle this. Brief summary of issue / Description of requested feature: There are some odd occurrences of colour changes or text not turning up at all in Cleft of Dimensions. Pretend my balance variable is Balance and for equilibrium it is EQ 1 for has eq and bal, 1 for has one but not the other, 1 for the other, and 1 for when i have none I've got a million questions, but right now, my main question is.how would I got about making a button that would sit there, and if I have balance and eq, it would be colored one color, and it would color differently when I didn't. Well, long time player, first time poster here.mostly cause I've never used mudlet in the rest of my time playing.