Every thunderstorm, pirate raid, and traveling salesman is a card dealt into your story by the AI Storyteller. It works by controlling the “random” events that the world throws at you. It’s designed to co-author tragic, twisted, and triumphant stories about imprisoned pirates, desperate colonists, starvation and survival. Learn to play easily with the help of an intelligent and unobtrusive AI tutor.
My current colony’s noble was not pleased, because I accidentally scored her more favor than I intended… So suddenly she needed stuff I literally couldn’t provide, because I started as a lost tribe, and didn’t know how to make furniture or clothes. It can turn into a full-time job keeping them happy. They also will not eat raw food or nutrient paste, and want clothes befitting their station. As an Esquire, they require a throne room (minimum area of 24 squares, floored, with a throne and two braziers… Which must be lit) as well as a nice bedroom (floored, minimum of double bed, size of somewhere around 24 squares also I think). As your pawn’s title increases, they have higher and higher expectations. They aren’t necessarily all combat oriented, as you can get things like Painblock (shut down the target’s pain receptors) which could be useful even in a peaceful colony. You get a quest (With Phoebe as storyteller, anyway) to save some idiot noble from whatever animal he pissed off while out on a stroll… A duck, goose, rabbit, what have you… And that gives you enough Royal Favor to become a yeoman, which gives you access to the psycasting abilities. The nobility thing is interesting as well. Lol, so you nurse the guinea pigs back to health and protect them from the attackers, then a shuttle shows up, and you load them on it and then get your reward from cargo pods.

Expect an attack one day after accepting this quest, with additional attacks every 18 hours. Oh, and they have been implicated in the death of a child, so the people of the Enclave of the Boar will be hunting them. The guinea pigs are injured and may not be able to walk. "Take in three guinea pigs and host them for four days. I tend to mostly do peaceful stuff, but just the new quests are fun.